This is Us
It all started in about 2008 with a bright pink school bus covered in hippie designs being turned into a food truck. We parked it on the north side of our 7-acre property next to Egmont Road.
It now doubles as an outdoor kitchen for the Westend group.
We built the cabins
The campground and cabins came next. The family worked together to CARE-fully build each of the six cabins, two lofts, and the wonderful central washrooms. Modern and rustic, the buildings are practical and aesthetic.
Simple Elegance
Coco Channel said, “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” At Strongwater, the true elegance is in the details. Cotton sheets. Simple homemade furniture. Some good bedside lamps. A table, a couple of chairs, and a mini fridge. A deck on which to relax with your favorite beverage surrounded by forest.
Our Farm Family
One of the most unique features of this eclectic place is the farm settled on the hill above. Chickens, ducks, geese, bunnies, quail, dogs, and a pot-bellied pig, plus a few stray cats often sneak down to visit the guests, but there are visiting hours posted when guests may come up for a meet ‘n greet. Our hosts appreciate your respecting their privacy and the security of their animals by following the posted hours and the rules on the Farm Etiquette page.
Your hosts, Cheyenne and Dwayne welcome you to Strongwater! They hope you enjoy time together in the group campgrounds and cabins. Living simply is a sweet reward to yourself.
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.